Thursday 12 April 2012


A UK reunion in Sydney?  Just what the doctor ordered.

I arrived on a Thursday night, it was a balmy 24c and boarded the ferry to Manly...
Sydney Harbour Bridge.  (picture taken at the Ferry Terminal, Circular Quay). 
Drinks at the wharf and a warm hug from an old friend greeted me. 

Then along with slight jet lag from the mild time difference, a change in climate and a midnight sheet lightning storm, I stumbled into a brief slumber to wake to a gorgeous sunrise from the top-rise balcony.

A beach run ensued, a good bye wave and then a ferry trip ride back into the city. I spent the morning nose delving into the Harry Potter exhibition at the Powerhouse Museum.  Bliss.

My highlights:

Saturday morning was a sparkling sunny one and another run around the Bondi beaches was my idea of traveller heaven. There is no better way to see the local sights than a run in a foreign setting to get your bearings. Love.

The rest of the Sydney weekend was spent in a champagne haze and various drunken debacles. It had to be done with my London girls and I loved every minute of it.
...And I managed to finally complete my Couch to 5K Running App. Yay me!

Unsupported walking shoes (wedges and my Havaianas), dancing in heels and along with the two 5K's, saw me hobbling to board the plane back to NZ with a possible stress fracture (or outer arch sprain). Doctor's appointment booked, ice compressions, heat packs and levitation have been the focus of my recovery. I'm looking forward to a new running goal, joining a winter running club and new prescribed runners.

Along with my liver and foot, my credit card received serious damage at many bars, (including the beauty variety). 

Benefit make-up haul /post to follow shortly..

Budgie xo

1 comment:

  1. And what a wonderful weekend it was! Great to see the Budgie out in full force *wink wink*
    Have you learnt to levitate from the HP exhibition? Hope your foot gets better soon x
